This article covers Web apps that don't have a single (constant) home page URL (e.g., their home page has to be specified by user:

  • Service have more national variants with a different URL (e.g. Amazon Cloud Player)
  • Users create own instance of the service, e.g. Logitech Media Server, OwnCloud.

In such cases, the constant home_url field of metadata.json doesn't provide enough flexibility, we need more magic:

Global window object not available

Nuvola.Core::InitAppRunner, Nuvola.Core::InitializationForm and Nuvola.Core::PreferencesForm signals mentioned in this article are executed in a pure JavaScript environment without Window object. Use Nuvola.log() to print logging and debugging messages to terminal instead of console.log().

Multiple Website Variants

Amazon Cloud Player has multiple national variants, each with a different address, so we cannot just use home_url field in metadata.json and we have to offer user a way how to specify the preferred national variant.

App initialization form


We use only one configuration key, COUNTRY_VARIANT, to hold which national variant is preferred. Other defined variables (constants by convention) will be used later. Note that translation function alias C_ is used mark short translatable strings with context information.


// Translations
var _ = Nuvola.Translate.gettext
var C_ = Nuvola.Translate.pgettext
var COUNTRY_VARIANT = 'app.country_variant'
var HOME_PAGE = '{1}/gp/dmusic/mp3/player'
  ['de', C_('Amazon variant', 'Germany')],
  ['fr', C_('Amazon variant', 'France')],
  ['', C_('Amazon variant', 'United Kingdom')],
  ['com', C_('Amazon variant', 'United States')]

var WebApp = Nuvola.$WebApp()

WebApp._onInitAppRunner = function (emitter) {, emitter)

  Nuvola.config.setDefault(COUNTRY_VARIANT, '')

Initialization Form

The initialization form contains one radio entry for each value of COUNTRY_VARIANT key. The empty string as a default value ensures the first radio entry is selected by default. Note that translation function alias _ is used mark translatable strings.

// Translations
var _ = Nuvola.Translate.gettext
var C_ = Nuvola.Translate.pgettext

WebApp._onInitAppRunner = function (emitter) {

  Nuvola.core.connect('InitializationForm', this)

WebApp._onInitializationForm = function (emitter, values, entries) {
  if (!Nuvola.config.hasKey(COUNTRY_VARIANT)) {
    this.appendPreferences(values, entries)

WebApp.appendPreferences = function (values, entries) {
  values[COUNTRY_VARIANT] = Nuvola.config.get(COUNTRY_VARIANT)
  entries.push(['header', _('Amazon Cloud Player')])
  entries.push(['label', _('Preferred national variant')])
  for (var i = 0; i < COUNTRY_VARIANTS.length; i++) {
    entries.push(['option', COUNTRY_VARIANT, COUNTRY_VARIANTS[i][0], COUNTRY_VARIANTS[i][1]])

Preferences Form

Since we don't need any extra configuration, the preferences form is same as the initialization form, so we reuse WebApp.appendPreferences() method.


WebApp._onInitAppRunner = function (emitter) {

  Nuvola.core.connect('InitializationForm', this)
  Nuvola.core.connect('PreferencesForm', this)

WebApp._onPreferencesForm = function (emitter, values, entries) {
  this.appendPreferences(values, entries)


Home Page Request Handler

Since we don't use the home_url field of metadata.json, we have to override the default handler for Nuvola.Core::HomePageRequest signal.


WebApp._onHomePageRequest = function (emitter, result) {
  result.url = Nuvola.format(HOME_PAGE, Nuvola.config.get(COUNTRY_VARIANT))


User-specified Home Page Address

The default address of Logitech Media Server instance is http://localhost:9000/. However, user can choose a different address, so we cannot just use "home_url": "http://localhost:9000/" in metadata.json and we have to offer user a way how to specify address of his instance.

App initialization form


We use three configuration keys:

  • ADDRESS - whether user wants to use default (ADDRESS_DEFAULT) or custom (ADDRESS_CUSTOM) address
  • HOST - server hostname
  • PORT - server port

var DEFAULT_ADDRESS = 'http://localhost:9000/'
var ADDRESS = 'app.address'
var ADDRESS_DEFAULT = 'default'
var ADDRESS_CUSTOM = 'custom'
var HOST = ''
var PORT = 'app.port'


var WebApp = Nuvola.$WebApp()

WebApp._onInitAppRunner = function (emitter) {, emitter)

  Nuvola.config.setDefault(ADDRESS, ADDRESS_DEFAULT)
  Nuvola.config.setDefault(HOST, '')
  Nuvola.config.setDefault(PORT, '')

Initialization Form

The initialization form contains two radio entries (one for each value of ADDRESS key) and two text entries for HOST and PORT keys. Note that the text entries are disabled (insensitive) when ADDRESS entry is set to ADDRESS_DEFAULT. Try it out ;-) Note that translation function alias _ is used mark translatable strings.

// Translations
var _ = Nuvola.Translate.gettext

WebApp._onInitAppRunner = function (emitter) {

  Nuvola.core.connect('InitializationForm', this)

WebApp._onInitializationForm = function (emitter, values, entries) {
  if (!Nuvola.config.hasKey(ADDRESS)) {
    this.appendPreferences(values, entries)

WebApp.appendPreferences = function (values, entries) {
  values[ADDRESS] = Nuvola.config.get(ADDRESS)
  values[HOST] = Nuvola.config.get(HOST)
  values[PORT] = Nuvola.config.get(PORT)
  entries.push(['header', _('Logitech Media Server')])
  entries.push(['label', _('Address of your Logitech Media Server')])
  entries.push(['option', ADDRESS, ADDRESS_DEFAULT,
    _('use default address ('localhost:9000')'), null, [HOST, PORT]])
  entries.push(['option', ADDRESS, ADDRESS_CUSTOM,
    _('use custom address'), [HOST, PORT], null])
  entries.push(['string', HOST, 'Host'])
  entries.push(['string', PORT, 'Port'])

Preferences Form

Since we don't need any extra configuration, the preferences form is same as the initialization form, so we reuse WebApp.appendPreferences() method.


WebApp._onInitAppRunner = function (emitter) {

  Nuvola.core.connect('InitializationForm', this)
  Nuvola.core.connect('PreferencesForm', this)

WebApp._onPreferencesForm = function (emitter, values, entries) {
  this.appendPreferences(values, entries)


Home Page Request Handler

Since we don't use the home_url field of metadata.json, we have to override the default handler for Nuvola.Core::HomePageRequest signal.


WebApp._onHomePageRequest = function (emitter, result) {
  result.url = (Nuvola.config.get(ADDRESS) === ADDRESS_CUSTOM)
    ? Nuvola.format('http://{1}:{2}', Nuvola.config.get(HOST), Nuvola.config.get(PORT))
