Supported Releases
The Nuvola Player 3 project officially supports and provides packages for Debian Stretch and Sid. Debian Jessie is supported only in 3.1.x series.
There are three ways how to install Nuvola Player on your system. Choose the one which suits you best.
User-friendly graphical installation: Users who are not friends with a terminal can take advantage of an easy-to-use graphical installer. This method is recommended to less experienced users if installation of the Nuvola Player Bundle fails.
Manual installation from terminal: Power users who are excellent in command-line kung-fu can just add the Nuvola Player Repository manually and install Nuvola Player using common package management tools of your linux distribution. Then skip to the section Check format support. This method is not recommended to less experienced users. Any mistake can break your system.
Use up-to-date installer
It is recommended to always download an up-to-date version of the Tiliado Repository Installer.
Nuvola Player 3 packages for Debian have both Flash plugin and GStreamer MP3 audio decoder as dependencies, so these plugins should work out of the box without any hassles.
Questions? Feedback?
Having trouble? We'd like to help! Search for information in the archives of the Nuvola Player Users mailing list, or post a question.